Safe Spaces Prototyping
Client: PSI Nigeria
9ja Girls

How might we create a network of safe spaces - for girls and by girls - where they can get the support they need in spaces designed for them?

The 9ja Girls brand is inspired by and owned by girls. Through a network of physical and digital safe spaces, girls are able to ask questions, learn together, and access services in settings that are responsive to their needs and celebrate what matters to them most.

An important component of this safe space network is a series of 9ja Girls Clinics - physical spaces where girls can come to have conversations about life and love. Girls then have the opportunity to meet with a 9ja Girls provider to ask questions about reproductive health and receive referrals for care.

Our team worked with local artisans to create a colorful prototype clinic space with a limited budget and time frame, evoking the 9ja Girls brand while also providing for privacy for girls to have sensitive conversations. 

The 9ja Girls prototype clinic was an example of how to quickly and drastically transform a local clinic space into a girl-friendly branded place. Through simple dip-dyed textiles, locally cut rugs, inspirational branded messages, a custom “kiss wall” and colorful additions, this clinic prototype was an effective first location for the 9ja Girls brand and network.

Our team’s work included the creation of an in-depth brand and space guide for a facilities manager to creatively strategize on how to transform future spaces into 9ja Girls clinics.

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